Comment 28976

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted February 23, 2009 at 09:22:19

JonC >> So I take it that you concede the point that we already pay less taxes, yet have a lower housing price than Toronto, Oakville or Burlington and that we'll never hear your pointless, false argument again

First of all, your numbers for Oakville and Burlington are incorrect, according to the 2006 census which you referenced. Oakville's average owned dwelling prices were 472k and Burlington's were 348k. However, even with corrected figures, you are simply strengthening the point I am trying to make. Lower TAX RATES, which both Oakville and Burlington have, INCREASES the amount of money the city gets from each property.

Do you get it? Having a lower tax rate produces more money for government.

Furthermore, this is not a bad thing for property owners, it is a good thing. Paying higher taxes is a sign that your property has increased in value. Therefore, by lowering tax rates, the city gets more money and the property owner gets more money, because the underlying value of the property increases, increasing his/her equity. It's a win - win situation for everyone involved. That's my point.

Do you get it yet?

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