Comment 28939

By jason (registered) | Posted February 21, 2009 at 23:30:12

a friend of mine mentioned to me that I sounded critical of Turkstra in the above comment. Just to clarify, I was mentioning the above info about him as I heard it from some north end friends who live near his home. they weren't saying it critically, just musing about how the stadium idea is really no different than what he did with his huge house. As far as I know, they think he's a great asset in their neighbourhood and community leader. Lord knows we need more citizen involvement in this city. I happen to disagree with his opposition to this stadium, especially since it's not in the north end. Pier 8 was once an option for the stadium, but it was scrapped during the Setting Sail plan. I realize that not everyone will like the stadium location, regardless of where it goes. I think that this location is best for the city, downtown and spinoff effects, far more than out by the airport in no-mans land. Sorry for the wasted post, but I didn't communicate clearly in the last one.

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