Comment 28892

By Also Hopeful (anonymous) | Posted February 20, 2009 at 14:51:42

Hopeful has it right. Ivor Wynn has not hosted a rock concert since residents complained about problems after one such event back in the '70s. Yet the only places the Pan Am Bid Folks can think of are out in the sticks (no nearby businesses to benefit) or plop in the middle of another residential district (one that has been in "recovery" since '60s urban rewnewal). There are better central city locations, but they're deemed too complex for local "leaders" to utilize. If it's worth $100,000,000 to put this in the wrong location, why isn't it worth $150,000,000 to put it in the right location? If it's not worth doing right, then it's better not done at all.

North enders are already complaining about traffic heading into the waterfront area through their residential streets. Expect more of the same if twenty thousand people are projected to attend sporting events and concerts every summer weekend, and every highway, rail or rapid transit stop is at the end of blocks of recently renovated houses. This will not work for the residents. Property values will decline in an area that has enjoyed considerable public and private investment in recent years. This will not work for businesses who seek to hold events in the stadium. Generally it is not good for a business to alienate potential customers before the business even opens its doors. Why pit the interests of citizens against each other when there are better alternatives?

Though it is doubtful a new stadium will provide a financial return for the city, it can be a public asset if built in the right location. All the better that the loss is shared with other levels of government (though it's all tax revenue.) Another, bigger pool at Mac? Good place for it. A bike track near the west harbour? The neighbourhood could probably handle that, and might even make use of it. A big stadium in a residential neighbourhood? Troubles ahead.

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