Comment 28844

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted February 19, 2009 at 22:10:40

JonC >> If I was a councillor, I bet I would be just as bad as our current elected officials in spending taxpayers money, if not worse. Human nature is such that we all want to spend more, if for no other reason than it feels good, even when we spend it on things that don't directly benefit us, like presents for other people (new stadium).

However, because government is in the unique position of being able to demand more whenever they want and raise tax rates whenever they want, they tend to broaden their scope from what is truly necessary to what they can rationalize as necessary, or at least beneficial.

For that reason, taxpayers need to put limits on their spending. Both the cities of Boston and San Francisco did this in the early 80's ( and it both of these cities are doing pretty well today.

Politicians need discipline and not just every few years or so, but all the time. Capping property taxes at 1% has been proven to work for Boston and San Francisco so there's no reason why wouldn't it work here?

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