Comment 28298

By LL (registered) - website | Posted January 24, 2009 at 21:36:31

So Native people follow colonial rules and get rewarded with large land deeds? Is that "reality" you want everyone to conform their minds to? What about land that Natives were disposessed of violently in past generations? What about land that was taken while communities were suffering from imported diseases and vices? What about institutional racism in the courts?

You are the one that refuses to look at reality in all its dimensions.

You can be "in favour" of whatever you like. It won't change the fact that profit motives of propertied organizations - whether resource companies in the North or sprawl companies in Haldimand - are the direct, material forc that is causing both ecological destruction and dispossession of Natives from Baffin Island to Tierra Del Fuego. That's reality. Your abstract perfect market bears no relationship to what's actually going on.

Call me a bookworm, a commie or whatever you like. You still need a basic knowledge and understanding of history to interpret the world rationally. From your posts, it would appear that you know very little history. You pull out evolution when it suits you. But your outlook is essentially pre-Darwinian - the worst type of utopia: one that has no basis in historical development.

All of your 4 million repetitive posts on this website are based on the assumption that private property and capitalism are the only possibilities of cultural development. That's not evolution, it's teleology.

I'm not an editor here. It's just my opinion that you really need to read more widely to justify the amount of space you take lecturing people on this website. It isn't an Ayn Rand fan club website. It's a website about cities - a phenomenon that cannot be fully explained using only economics.

I really don't expect you to read textbooks or radical literature. You can learn a lot about how the world works from non-fiction texts that are a pleasure to read. Try "Guns, Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond. Or "1491: New Revalations of the Americas Before Columbus" by Charles C. Mann.

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