Comment 27340

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted November 18, 2008 at 16:35:41

Ryan, markets exist whenever there is demand for a product or service.

In fact, markets exist even when the power of government go to great lengths to destroy said markets, namely prostitution, illegal drugs and human trafficking.

If drug dealers relied on the government for their livelihood, they would be out of business, but this is not the case. How do you explain this?

The fact is, human beings are extremely cooperative creatures when left to their own devices. However, because we have been told that we need leaders, we forget this.

In my estimation, all strong leadership has given us are weak followers. People who abdicate their own thinking in order to rally around some cause, which invariably is unrelated to the individual's life.

As to your assertion that arms agreements have reduced the amount of wars, I think you have forgotten about common sense. Nuclear weapons are killing machines and everybody knows that to use them would mean virtual extinction.

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