Comment 24005

By nobrainer (registered) | Posted May 27, 2008 at 12:52:10

I think the issue is people who say "no" to good ideas that are based on factual research and are already proven to really work well in other cities. People who are afraid of change, who get rich off the status quo, people who say things like "If you don't like it why don't you leave?"

It's squelchers who insult activists and urbanists and people who care enough to go to meetings and ask questions and try to make our government accountable. It was squelchers who insulted Joanna chappman for daring to ask whether Larry Diianni broke municipal election law.

Sometimes squelchers squelch efforts to stop bad ideas too. It was squelchers who said there was no way to restore the Lister Building without demolishing and rebuilding it.

Squelchers are people who don't want YOU to get involved in their backroom decisions on how to run the city, they just want you to mind your own business and stop asking inconvenient questions.

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