Comment 120210

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted September 30, 2016 at 16:58:56 in reply to Comment 120200

Exactly. Another fun issue - my violin teacher is moving onto the North end of Upper James. We were looking for a local park on the map to take the other kids to while my eldest was at violin.... and realized that Auchmar was right there. Visiting the area, I hadn't realized how humongous the Auchmar grounds are. How do people who live in that neighbourhood stand Auchmar there? Such a massive property just sucking up half the neighbourhood being a big fenced-off obstacle.

And while the story of Auchmar itself is permanent limbo, the land itself doesn't need to be. The city already owns the land, it could move the fence and turn it into a temporary park while still protecting the actual building. Instead 3-4 city blocks of land stays an unused and unproductive barrier for the neighbors.

But still, what has Whitehead done? He's fussed in council about saving the building a bit, but mostly in the form of grousing about how lower-city properties get saved.

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