Comment 120151

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted September 28, 2016 at 08:59:53 in reply to Comment 120148

It's interesting that Aristotle wasn't a big fan of democracy. He felt that without a largely involved middle class democratic rulers would resort to basing their decisions on emotion or personal opinion rather than being objective. Sound familiar? Not bad for a 2500 year old idea eh?

I think if we have to stick with democracy then certain levels of government should not have the ability to affect projects of a certain size or influence. Or, perhaps the size of the government should be taken into account. A city council the size of Toronto's for example would be able to make decisions on larger projects whereas the 15 people in Hamilton wouldn't have a hope in hell of influencing a long term 1 billion dollar project. That would be in the hands of the province.

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