Comment 119492

By RobF (registered) | Posted June 21, 2016 at 10:07:51 in reply to Comment 119490

We could stop building new highways and improving existing ones. The extensions and widenings of the 400-series highways are funded by debt too. Don't invest in LRT and you guarantee the need to double-down on the economically unsustainable form and structure of urban development since the 1950s ... major investments in highway and local road capacity, which encourages the need to make further investments to reduce congestion. We've known since the 1970s this model doesn't work. The trouble is the thinking that drivers are subsidizing transit ... every person who switches to transit free up road space for other users, and we can't really solve congestion problems where they exist by adding more capacity as that just produces more users. Really we should be talking about demand/mobility management (i.e. real-time demand management using tolls that adjust based on capacity utilization of different modes of transportation).

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