Comment 11744

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted September 17, 2007 at 10:04:44

Getting rid of area rating would be a great first move toward eliminating the "us and them" attitude.

Here's a thought: by area-rating the transit fees in the outlying communities down to zero, the result will be that the HSR can NEVER AFFORD TO EXPAND THERE. The money for expansion has to come from somewhere. If everyone paid the same amount yearly, since the dawn of amalgamation, maybe there would be better HSR service to the outlying communities by now.

I live downtown, and I bike or walk everywhere. I take transit only very occasionally. I drive maybe once a week, and only when I am leaving the city or hauling something that won't fit on my bike trailer. Yet my taxes pay for things that I'll never use (i.e. HSR service to Stoney Creek and sewers/roads in new housing development in Ancaster). If everyone was paying their fair share, none of us would have so much to complain about.

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