Comment 115266

By Suburbanite (anonymous) | Posted December 01, 2015 at 11:56:43 in reply to Comment 115264

Thank you for the link. I'm going to read the study. There's no question higher density is more sustainable and going forward represents good planning. When I read the article though, DC's aside, I read that downtown dwellers feel they are currently subsidizing the suburbs and we should be paying more now. I disagree since the author hasn't taken into account cross-subsidization (or even similar densities in downtown vs suburban areas in other parts of the city).

p.s. That's twice now I've heard Hamilton has not achieved it's 40% infill goal; yet Information Reports I've read indicate we have at least a 7 year housing supply. Do you have a study/report you could point me to that shows we haven't hit the 40% goal within the built boundary?

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