Comment 115048

By JasonL (registered) | Posted November 25, 2015 at 09:13:56

As was pointed out by someone, why on earth was Concession not lined with trees with this rebuild? Especially since the city added those rather useless stretches of orange concrete. Perfect spot to add a tree canopy with open garden bases to divert rainwater from city sewers. Instead we pave over everything in sight and then complain about the load on our storm water system.

Parkdale North was rebuilt like this about 25 years ago. In other words, Hamilton hasn't touched their road re-building manual in at least a few decades.

Downtown Stoney Creek also just got the same treatment as Parkdale/Concession:

Meanwhile in Toronto, they recently rebuilt Roncesvalles Ave:

How Hamilton can continue trotting out old infrastructure projects with zero thought towards cyclists, water diversion or tree canopies is really quite mind-boggling.

Comment edited by JasonL on 2015-11-25 10:20:09

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