Comment 111340

By ianreynolds (registered) | Posted May 01, 2015 at 14:45:13 in reply to Comment 111330

Changing main street to 3 lanes instead of 5 doesn't mean there's no longer a direct route across town. It means that there's a slightly safer direct route across town that will have no real increase in traffic. You could have a bus lane AND a bike lane on that part of the city and traffic wouldn't be affected.

There is absolutely no truth in you saying that it's not representative. I drive there all the time because I unfortunately am mostly based in the GTA for work. The header photo is exactly what it looks like even during busy times.

If you turn left from Dundurn onto Main, you're turning onto a completely empty three or four block section of a major city at dinner time, the supposed rush hour. The green wave already proceeding down Main is a kilometre or more ahead. If we cut a lane or two off, or slowed the lights down to slow traffic down, no one's life would be any different. Cleaner and safer, maybe, but that seems to be a problem for some people in this city.

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