Comment 109262

By CharlesBall (registered) | Posted February 18, 2015 at 11:42:48

This is a tough topic to blog about because being concerned as a parent is correct. So saying anything apparently opposed to that can be seen as reactionary at best and stupid worst. Having said that recent statistics suggest that regardless of the reporting issues, sexual assaults on university campuses in Canada are far below the population outside of the university. See

I have a few kids in university now (including daughters) and my level of concern is no different than it was when I went to University in the mid 70's. Queen's was bad at that time because of the jails and mental hospitals around campus. Don't know if that is the same today. Ryerson has the worst current stats. My kids primary decision in choosing a school was based on academic criteria, followed by cost. Based on recent data I am not sure that choosing an institution based on rape risk is a primary consideration.

Comment edited by CharlesBall on 2015-02-18 11:44:04

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