Comment 108649

By m (anonymous) | Posted January 31, 2015 at 17:54:06

The only thing more terrifying than Terry's logic is his lack of understanding of basic language conventions; his defensive, petty, and embarrassing Twitter posts would be hilarious if not for the fact that this man's vote has the ability to significantly impact Hamilton.

I understand the concept of democratic elections, but it still kind of blows my mind that an individual so unqualified has the opportunity to shape our city. Sadly, most council members have absolutely no idea what makes a city great. To make matters worse, they completely ignore the recommendations of city staff who are educated and trained in these matters.

My current job required six years of university education. In addition, I am expected to continue my education through additional professional development courses. Admittedly, my profession has far less of an impact on an entire city's population than that of a councillor.

Have these councillors bothered to ever read anything about basic urban planning principles? Have they ever visited other cities to learn from and be inspired by?

Clearly, most councillors have no interest in such things. I'm aware that their interests lie more in self-preservation. Why learn about transit or economic development when it's so much easier to satisfy a constituent's request for a new blue box?

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