Comment 107194

By jason (registered) | Posted December 18, 2014 at 09:36:43 in reply to Comment 107192

and the amazing thing is, for a bunch of anti-leaders who usually try to pander to the slim majority, they aren't even doing that in this case:

Everyone sad at the time these polls are deadly accurate, and sure enough, the mayoral race ended up exactly as the poll predicted. So we know a slim majority of Hamilton residents support rapid transit EVEN after 4 years of being lied to by the mayor in a campaign to kill the project.

Any decent leadership and vision articulation from the new council could see this number rise to 50-60% within a year one would think. Lot of people have no clue about rapid transit thx to the last council term. Sadly, we look to have replaced the non-vision, non-leadership of the mayor with some of our councillors. Career politicians who start their re-election campaign the day after the election. No vision, no 30 year big picture (aside from their pension).
Same old.

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