Comment 107124

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted December 16, 2014 at 11:37:31

Due diligence is, of course, called for.

But not just about LRT.

Despite the tendency for pro-LRTers to not want to have any other discussion other than getting LRT (witness the vehemence about not wanting to engage re: BRT for fear of even considering 'compromise'), we need to be talking about how we're going to improve transit should the 'promised' monies not be in the Provincial kitty. What's that expression about counting your chickens...?

This is the most important discussion for me, because it's actually part of the requirements for us getting LRT, period: that services be improved.

In the end, transit is primarily about moving people efficiently and humanely. Its primary raison d'etre is not economic development, despite the amount of column space this notion has been granted here and elsewhere. HSR riders are not being serviced properly. This needs to be fixed now, not when/if LRT is built. Enormous damage is being done by the under-resourcing and benign neglect currently at play, but I doubt this concept has been grasped by some, because they're not part of the demographic most affected.

We are indeed a city of haves and have-nots...and I'm not referring only to our poverty situation. It's high time we take some of the energies being spent on visioning a desired project and apply them to making things better for HSR riders now.

Comment edited by ItJustIs on 2014-12-16 11:37:58

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