Comment 106752

By Anon (anonymous) | Posted December 09, 2014 at 10:21:15 in reply to Comment 106710

It is all really a matter of fairness and equity. Wards 1 - 3 are forced to bear an unfair burden of "undesirable" facilities from subsidised housing to second level lodging homes etc. and on top of that a hostile environment for anyone who is not travelling in a car.

No one would accept this where they live but they all adore the present set up of Hamilton. This is not how you build a healthy vibrant city.

You do realize that Hamilton is in competition for jobs with other communities like Mississauga and Waterloo don't you. Making our downtown a drive thru racetrack is ONE element that makes us less attractive than either of those communities.

By caring about complete streets and healthy neighbourhoods everywhere but in our core will ensure that we grow only as a place to live to drive to somewhere else to work which will validate everyone like you who only cares how fast you can get through or in and out of this town.

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