Comment 105377

By ItJustIs (registered) | Posted October 15, 2014 at 09:29:32

Wow. I'm impressed. Really impressed. Why?

Because I've attended a handful of the Mayoral debates. (As well as watching the Cable 14 event.) And to be honest, Mr. Baldasaro has been one of the candidates who have not added anything to the campaign. Nothing of any substance. In fact, they've done a grave injustice to the process. And in almost all cases, we've had narcissism at play. (If well-intentioned.)

I believe 'fringe candidates' can add something of value to an election campaign. IF they go beyond their own bluster-filled rhetoric and actually present something valid, something that injects new perspective, provides for illumination and insight.

But most times, what unfolds from them is the stuff of windbagging, of platitudes, and of accusatory crap. More than this, though, is a distinct lack of preparation, of authentic understanding of issues, of the mechanisms at City Hall, especially of how these mechanisms interact with the Provincial and Federal levels of government.

The words I cringe at hearing from a candidate as to why they've thrown their hat into the ring are 'My friends and family kept telling me to run.'

I believe that what I see happening is partially a result of the frustration and disappointment some Hamiltonians bear for everyone at 71 Main Street West. This state seems to motivate candidates to hop up onto the election soapbox, to somehow validate their efforts, confirm their suitability to jump into the fray. It's yet another manifestation of 'Us vs Them'.

I do have some practical ways to improve the calibre of candidates, whether they be Mayoral or Councillor ones, but it's probably both inappropriate and premature to state them here. Regardless, all this is part of a much larger conversation we really, really need to be having before 2018 rolls around.

P.S. I still think that the majority of his suggestions are bizarre. But then, he is a member of The Great Triumvirate this Mayoral election, the trio that caused me to both stare in amazement and wince like I haven't done so in years.

Comment edited by ItJustIs on 2014-10-15 09:39:23

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