Comment 104942

By JayRobb (registered) | Posted September 29, 2014 at 12:38:43

Not sure it would matter if every Hamilton resident wrote a letter to the Minister of Transport.

The Province is putting all GTHA transit projects through a rigorous business case analysis.

About a dozen big ticket projects are vying for the $15B in funding over the next decade.

It's likely that projects with the strongest business case will go to the front of the line while the Liberals have a majority government.

Projects sent to the back of the line face at least two provincial elections and no guarantee how much funding will be left to invest.

So how confident should we be in the business case for Hamilton's transit project - an LRT running on a street with no congestion, moving 13,000 rides per day (the Ottawa Confederation LRT will move up to 10,700 passengers per hour each way at peak times) and running blocks away from the new James North GO Station (the Province has flagged GO service as a priority).

Would Hamilton's business case be stronger if there was a north-south leg, anchored at the waterfront (where we're looking at up to $500M in private sector investment and 1,600 condo and townhouse units), stopping in front of the GO Station, running down James North to Main or King and then ending at Mac?

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