Comment 104680

By jeffzuk (registered) | Posted September 21, 2014 at 14:39:19 in reply to Comment 104675

meaning that we're really not capable of dealing with much in terms of massive projects.

OK, then how do you reconcile the costs going towards the Aerotroplis project? From my understanding, the city has been and will be on the hook for huge sums of money based on, some would call, "speculation" that the project will provide economic benefits outweighing the investment costs. That's essentially the same argument for LRT - that the costs, while substantial and somewhat speculative, will provide the best bang for buck and ultimately lead to greater economic benefits for the city.

I'm not discounting either position (although I’m far more in favour of LRT as opposed to Aerotropolis based on the material I’ve read). I just find the lack of scrutiny (and transparency) being paid to Aerotropolis is inconsistent with the amount of scrutiny and study that has gone into LRT. And of course this is a position that's been raised before by Nicholas Kevlahan here and here.

Comment edited by jeff on 2014-09-21 14:40:04

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