Comment 101722

By Abdu (registered) | Posted May 28, 2014 at 15:55:41 in reply to Comment 101713

@Advice: I completely understand where you are coming from however teaching fundamental game development skills allows you to acquire core programming and math skills that can either be used directly for a game development position or a variety of positions that will require these fundamental skills in an applicant - we believe this can help a lot of low-income individuals.

Likewise, we as MacGDA have also hosted some talks on creating games for the health or the education industry specifically in creating games for medical diagnosis, treatment or professional development. By this we try to encourage game development not only for entertainment purposes but as well as various fields that can help society.

Were a relatively new association, and are trying our best to address any concerns while finding solutions to these problems that may exist. If you have any further questions or great ideas to share, I would love to hear them!

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