Comment 100827

By notlloyd (registered) - website | Posted May 02, 2014 at 15:48:57 in reply to Comment 100824

I took Young Driver's of Canada. That is what they taught us as well. Nothing is an accident. I think the word accident was invented by the insurance industry to try and limit their exposure to paying out claims.

What I was taught - and know - is that when you are on a bike, motorcycle or walking at night, you can see cars far better than they can see you. That is why we need to keep cars as far away from cyclist and pedestrians as reasonably possible.

I used to ride a motorcycle. Because I knew that even in the daytime drivers could not pick up my position as easily as I could see them, I never passed on the right and stayed well back on the right if they were in front of me on the left. That's is why motorcycles were the earliest to be forced to have all day headlamps. It is hard for a motorist to understand that if they have never ridden a motorcycle, so they must be taught that. Ergo mandatory drivers ed, which sadly does not exist.

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