Comment 100784

By Joshua (registered) | Posted May 01, 2014 at 23:29:40 in reply to Comment 100776

But that's precisely it: our standard of living. Our. Standard. Living. Our standard of living comes at great costs to others and what's being asked in this article is, simply, to consider those costs in human lives. I looked at some pictures today in National Geographic, the issue with a blue earth and a neon EAT sign upon it, about ship-breaking in Bangladesh; fourteen-year-olds huddled into small corners with acetylene torches, getting blown up by gas pockets, keeping warm by burning up pipe gaskets and getting lung cancer. Why aren't we reckoning these things into what we do? Why is fifty-three percent of Ontario's energy derived from nuclear energy, whose spent fuel cells have nowhere to go and a half-life that'll outlive my grand-children?

Oh, and happy international workers' day, everyone.

Comment edited by Joshua on 2014-05-01 23:30:46

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