Comment 100122

By jason (registered) | Posted April 10, 2014 at 08:29:59 in reply to Comment 100113

2-way Bay and Queen would give people more N/S options. 2-way Main would allow people simply heading to Westdale to do so without needing to use King, which is the 403 access.

Having said that, 'backups' in Hamilton happen for maybe an hour a day total. Drivers are simply entitled and can't believe they have to wait more than 1 light sequence at Queen/King at 5:30pm. I've been on that stretch of Queen many times per week at rush hour and have never had to wait more than 2 light sequences. 2. The 2nd right turn lane onto King is also unnecessary and actually harms traffic by preventing the 99% of people heading straight on Queen from doing so while pedestrians are crossing King.

Speed humps, zebra crossings and dead-ending certainly streets will help to slow down impatient drivers and narrow the bottle as you say.

By the way, this 'herding' affect you've pointed out is one of the massive reasons why the B-Line LRT is so vital to Hamilton. Think of how many folks currently driving no further than say Gage Park to downtown or Westdale to downtown would be able to leave their cars and hop a quick, smooth train.

This next election is massive for anyone desiring the end of the status quo in Hamilton.

Comment edited by jason on 2014-04-10 08:31:34

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